Learn About How Credit Monitoring Service Can Help You In Good Time
In case you wish to be informed (instantly) about any changes taking place in your credit report you would do well to use a credit monitoring service who will inform you via email or text message whenever any changes occur in your credit report. One of the most oft cited reasons why people use a credit monitoring service is because they wish to know their credit history and also to be able to identify any frauds being perpetrated against them. Don’t Wait For A Year In most cases, (according to the US Federal Trade Commission), it may take a person about one year before they even become aware that their identities have been stolen. However, when you use a credit monitoring service you can notice such activities almost instantly – even faster than through depending on your annual credit reports. The fact of the matter is that there are millions of Americans out there who are becoming victims of identity theft each year and so, keeping in mind such figures, it makes good sense to use a credit monitoring service to help prevent and also identify identity theft. It is also usual practice for a credit monitoring service to charge their customers a fee (monthly) for their services and such fees range from between ten dollars to fifteen dollars. This fee will entitle you to receive certain kind of information from the credit monitoring service. How much or how little information you receive will depend on how much or how little fees you were charged. It is also possible for you to gain access to your credit score and this information is readily provided to you by virtually every credit monitoring service, though in some instances, you may only be given your FICO score. In addition, you can also use a credit monitoring service to get reimbursement against identity theft with limits to the amount of reimbursement you get ranging from between fifteen thousand dollars and twenty-five thousand dollars. Another common practice that many credit monitoring services follow is to provide you with analysis of your existing financial situation, and in addition, you can also get advice on how to improve your finances. Identity theft protection is another pressing concern for each and every person and fortunately, in these modern times, finding such protection is not only simple, but also readily available. Using a credit monitoring service will certainly help you in many ways not least of which is being alerted instantly whenever suspicious activity takes place in your name. Timely warning can in fact help save you a lot of time, money and bother and this in it is enough reason why you should avail of credit monitoring services.